Medieval & Renaissance Dance Workshop

On Tuesday 1st October 2019 we put on our dancing shoes as Tim Walker, a Medieval and Renaissance dance expert, taught us dances from Orchesography by Thoinot Arbeau 1520-1595.  We learned several Branles or Bransles (pronounced, we learned, “Braun” if using the French).  In Branle Des Cheveaux – English Horses’ Brawl – on one step we pawed at the ground like a horse.  In Bransle les Lavandieres – English Washerwoman’s Brawl – we waggled our fingers at our partners before doing the washing together.  In Branle des Pois – English Peas Brawl – the boys and girls took it in turns to jump and shout “POP”, like a lot of peas popping in the summer sun.
A huge SWeet! THANK YOU to the wonderful Tim, also known as The Dancing Mister, for a thoroughly enjoyable and very informative evening.  Next time we play any dance music from this period on recorders we will understand exactly how we should perform it, especially when choosing an appropriate tempo.
Follow Tim on Facebook and find him soon at a festival near you!

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